As mosquito season approaches, the Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District has been awarded a $10,000 grant to help combat the pests. The CDC-funded grant will be used to purchase new traps and a microscope for identifying pest insects.
The health department was one of only two departments nationwide to receive the grant. The funding will also help to increase the operation’s manpower.
According to Andrew Skinner, the district’s vector coordinator, local mosquitos have the potential to transmit a variety of viruses to humans.
“If left uncontrolled, mosquitoes can cause significant harm. West Nile virus and Saint Louis encephalitis are the two most serious diseases we face here. There are many diseases transmitted by mosquitos, including dengue virus, which is becoming more common and something we should be aware of,” Skinner said.
Employees at the health department stated that the grant will be extremely beneficial in preventing mosquito-borne viruses.
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