Find Out Why You Aren’t Receiving Your Disability Benefits in This Week of March

Find Out Why You Aren't Receiving Your Disability Benefits in This Week of March

When a US citizen begins to receive a retirement or disability benefit, they can find out what time of month each payment will be made. True, there may be irregularities in this regard, but the Administration usually keeps a calendar so that beneficiaries can mark the day they collect the cheque in their diaries.

On March 19, 2025, the Administration sends checks to beneficiaries; however, not all beneficiaries receive their checks on the same day. The truth is that we can easily predict whether or not we will receive payment for this benefit on this day because simply meeting two requirements is enough to receive the cheque.

Thus, both requirements are related to the beneficiary’s main information. On the one hand, the birthday is key to knowing whether or not we are part of the group. On the other hand, the year of retirement is also essential to know whether or not we will receive payment on that specific day.

Find out why your Disability Benefit is not arriving in this week of March
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Disability payments in this week of March

Only group 3 beneficiaries will receive disability payments during this week in March. If you are not in group 3, you will not receive the cheque today.

However, it is important to remember that the collection method we select will determine whether or not we receive the payment on the same day it is sent.

All of this means that we do not receive the March Disability payment because we do not belong to this group:

  • Retirees with benefits after May 1997.
  • Retirees whose birthdays fall between the 11th and 20th of any month.

As a result, beneficiaries who meet both requirements will receive Social Security retirement benefits on March 19th, regardless of disability status.

In this sense, retirees in this group can receive the benefit on the dates specified on the calendar, but both requirements are mandatory.

On another note, disability and retirement checks are the same. Citizens who receive a benefit other than SSDI may also collect the cheque for 19th March if they are eligible.
