Social Overview: History of the Oscars Having fun with trivia with Mariana, Noah, and Jalen

Social Overview History of the Oscars Having fun with trivia with Mariana, Noah, and Jalen

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Oscars History Trivia fun!

How well do you know Academy Award history? Play with us.

At the first Academy Awards ceremony in 1929, Joseph Farnham was the first and only winner of what category, which was eliminated the following year?

  1. -best engineering effects
    -best title writing
    -best assistant director
    -best casting director
  2. What movie did Leonardo Dicaprio get his first Oscar nomination for?
    -What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?
    -The Basketball Diaries
    -Romeo and Juliet
  3. Which Oscar acceptance speech made by a Best Actor or Actress winner still clocks in as the longest?
    -Tom Hanks with just over 8 minutes
    -Greer Garson with some 7 minutes
    -Julia Roberts went on for almost 9 minutes
    -Ginger Roots flapped away for nearly 12 minutes
  4. Who did Will Smith slap at the 94th Academy Awards Ceremony in 2022?
    -Robert Downey Jr.
    -Samuel L. Jackson
    -Chris Rock
    -Jimmy Kimmel
  5. What movie did Julie Andrews make her debut in, and which she won a Best Actress Oscar for?
    -The Sound of Music
    -My Fair Lady
    -Mary Poppins
  6. The envelope for best writing original screenplay said that the winner was Quentin Tarantino for “Zero Dark Thirty.” What was wrong with this envelope?
    -Quentin Tarantino won for Best Writing Adapted Screenplay
    -Mark Boal wrote “Zero Dark Thirty”
    -Quentin Tarantino wrote “Django Unchained”
  7. Who holds the record for most Oscar wins by a single person?
    -Walt Disney
    -Dennis Muren
    -John Williams
    -Katherine Hepburn
  8. 20th Century Fox Studios is casting for a supporting role in a new comedy film. Audition now if you can do an authentic Brooklyn accent, have an extensive knowledge of motor vehicles and look great in sunglasses. Want to meet ‘herman munster’ and the ‘karate kid’ or Jack Palance?
    -Geena Davis for the “Accidental Tourist”
    – Jessica Lange, for “Tootsie”
    -Marisa Tomei, for “My Cousin Vinny”
    -Mira Sorvino, for “Mighty Aphrodite”
  9. Which actor is the youngest person ever to win a competitive acting Oscar?
    -Shirley Temple
    -Quvenzhané Wallis
    -Tatum O’Neal
    -Timothy Hutton
  10. Which Steven Spielberg film won Best Picture?
    -Schindler’s List
    -Saving Private Ryan
    -Jurassic Park