Today’s the Last Day of March 2025 CalFresh Benefits: Up to $1,756 for Families

Today’s the Last Day of March 2025 CalFresh Benefits Up to $1,756 for Families

CalFresh, California’s food assistance program that operates under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), will end its monthly distribution of benefits on March 10, 2025.

The funds, which are distributed via an EBT card, allow for the purchase of nutritious foods at authorized businesses, including farmers markets and, in some cases, restaurants, for people who are homeless, over 60, or disabled.

CalFresh is administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and managed at the county level. The amounts are loaded onto the EBT card once a month and are valid for the purchase of food, seeds, and edible plants, but not for non-food products.

Since 2019, SSI/SSP beneficiaries who meet the eligibility requirements have had access to the program. The card functions similarly to a debit card, with a focus on user security and privacy.

Payment schedule for March 2025 almost complete

Benefits are delivered between the first and tenth of each month, depending on the last digit of the case number. For example, those ending in 1 receive funds on March 1, while those ending in 0 do so on March 10. This date falls on a Monday in 2025, so the process will not be delayed.

However, it is clear that this month’s CalFresh payments will end today, so all groups are now covered. We only have to wait until April 1, when the benefits will be distributed again. Payments vary according to net income and household members. From October 2024 to September 2025, the maximums are:

  • 1-person household: maximum of $292
  • Household of 2 people: maximum of 536
  • Household of 3 people: maximum of 768
  • Household of 4 people: maximum of 975
  • Household of 5 people: maximum of 1,158
  • Household of 6 people: maximum of 1,390
  • Household of 7 people: maximum of 1,536
  • Household of 8 people: maximum of 1,756
  • Each additional person: maximum of +220
Today’s the Last Day of March 2025 CalFresh Benefits: Up to $1,756 for Families
Source (

Expanded eligibility criteria for CalFresh in 2025

Applicants must be California residents who earn less than 130% of the federal poverty level. By 2025, this amounts to $19,578 per year for one person and $26,442 for two.

The state does, however, allow for more flexible eligibility: Medi-Cal households can qualify for up to 200% of the FPL, while seniors and people with disabilities can qualify for up to 165% without having to meet the net income test.

Applications can be submitted online at or, over the phone at 1-866-613-3777, or at local offices. Those with less than $100 in resources and $150 in gross income can receive accelerated benefits within three days.

Adults without dependents (ABAWD) must meet work requirements, though some counties, such as Alameda, provide temporary exemptions.

Seniors, the disabled, and the homeless can use their EBT at participating restaurants until March 10, 2025, in counties such as Ventura and Los Angeles.

In addition, in the event of an emergency, such as a fire, automatic benefit replacements are activated, with no impact on regular payments. These measures seek to tailor the program to different needs while ensuring the beneficiaries’ food security.
