What Happened in March and Why Your Next SSI Payment Is in April

What Happened in March and Why Your Next SSI Payment Is in April

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program in the United States that helps people with limited financial resources, such as seniors, people with disabilities, and disabled minors.

Its goal is to provide monthly assistance to meet basic needs, with strict eligibility criteria overseen by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The payment for March 2025 was distributed on February 28 of the same year, according to the official SSA calendar. This change complies with the agency’s policy, which requires the displacement of dates that coincide with Saturdays, Sundays, or federal holidays. The next payment is scheduled for April 1, 2025.

Annual SSI calendar: months with double payment or without any payment

In 2025, the payment scheme will include monthly variations. For example, no deposits will be made in January, March, or September, but beneficiaries will receive two transfers in June, September, and December.

These changes are intended to prevent delays, but they have no effect on the total annual amount assigned. SSA reiterates that the changes are operational protocols, not budget cuts.

Because of the payment schedule and how the dates fall on weekends or holidays, beneficiaries will receive two SSI payments in some months and none in others in 2025. The months are listed below:

  • January: The January payment was made on December 31, 2024, so in January 2025 there was no payment.
  • February: Payment was received on January 31, 2025.
  • March: There was no payment in March, as it was brought forward to February 28, 2025.
  • April: Payment scheduled for April 1, 2025.
  • Mayo: Payment scheduled for May 1, 2025.
  • June: The June payment will be brought forward to May 30, 2025, since June 1 falls on a Sunday.
  • July: Payment scheduled for July 1, 2025.
  • August: Payment scheduled for August 1, 2025.
  • September: The September payment will be brought forward to August 29, 2025, because September 1 is a Labor Day holiday.
  • October: Payment scheduled for October 1, 2025.
  • November: Payment scheduled for November 1, 2025.
  • December: The December payment will be brought forward to November 29, 2025, since December 1 falls on a Monday, but is considered a non-working day in some jurisdictions.
Why Your Next SSI Payment Is in April and What Happened in March
Source (Google.com)

The maximum benefits of SSI benefits they increased 2.5% in 2025, according to the cost of living adjustment (COLA). The established amounts will be:

  • $967 For eligible individuals,
  • $1,450 for eligible couples,
  • $484 for essential people.

These figures, published on the website of the Social Security Administration (SSA) (ssa.gov), represent an increase compared to 2024. However, not all beneficiaries will receive the full amount.

Factors that reduce monthly benefits

The actual benefit amount may be reduced by three key factors:

  • Labor income: For each $2 earned, it is deducted $1 of the SSI benefit.
  • Family income: If other household members exceed certain income limits, the benefit amount may decrease.
  • Housing situation: Receiving housing assistance or living rent-free may reduce the benefit amount.

The SSA performs personalized calculations for each beneficiary to determine the exact amount they will receive.
